
Meetings Are Pointless

In the quest for productivity and efficiency within the business ecosystem, traditional meetings often emerge as notorious time sinks, paradoxically diminishing the very productivity they...


When is The Conference Season?

Attending a business conference or exhibition is a large investment of time for many executives. Few have much time to spend with their spouse or...


Hosting Family Friendly Conferences

While timing and location are important for conferences, executives want their family members to be comfortable when attending with them. This is often the only...


Attracting Good Exhibitors

Organizing a successful conference or exhibition show is a monumental task. It takes planning and knowledge of the industry. Choosing halls and locations for the...


Creating the Perfect Conference

It might appear that large conferences somehow come together because industry specialists and companies are eager to attend. It may be true in some cases,...

People running businesses generally have little free time. This is especially true when it comes to attending business conferences. While they need to keep updated on what is occurring in their industry, leaving to attend a conference takes time out of their busy schedule. Travel each way generally takes at least a day between getting to the airport, flying to the destination. Even attending a minimum number of panels or speeches takes a day or two. Busy executives see this as largely unproductive time.

The world has become increasingly competitive. Business leaders might have been willing to attend several conferences per year in the past, but that is no longer true. Even taking the time to attend one conference is often seen as too much. Organisers for these conferences do their best to entice executives. They book the best speakers, exhibits and industry leaders. They also try to host their conferences in convenient locations for the majority of people attending.